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所属分类:英文论文 阅读次 时间:2017-05-10 17:11

本文摘要:本 英文毕业论文 主要内容是针对组织文化的相关问题进行研究和分析,并且通过实证调查研究组织文化对美国的卡梅伦和Freeman的企业营销人员的影响作用。《 电子科学技术与应用 》(ISSN刊号:2251-2608)衷心邀请来自世界各地的学者们投稿,来稿会进行同行评审



  长期以来,管理者越来越意识到组织文化的概念,正在研究组织文化。一些研究已经在这方面进行解释,不同类型的文化,组织文化可以影响一个组织本身和其他雇员相关的变量,如满意度、承诺的影响方面,在连续的“组织文化与工作满意度”的营销,内华达大学,美国Daulatram B Lund教授进行了衔接和业绩等。在这项研究中,他使用卡梅伦和弗里曼模型的组织文化,确定了四种类型的组织文化。B. Lund教授发现了对员工满意度各文化类型的影响。


  For a long time, managers are becoming more and more aware of the concept of organizational culture and are examining it. Several studies have been conducted in this regard explaining different types of cultures and the ways that an organizational culture can affect an organization itself and its impact on other employee-related variables such as satisfaction, commitment, cohesion and performance etc. One such study in that continuum 'Organizational Culture and job satisfaction' was conducted by Daulatram B Lund Professor of marketing, University of Nevada, USA, in 2003. In that study he used Cameron and freeman's (1991) model of organizational culture which identifies four types of organizational cultures. Professor B. Lund spotted out the effect of each culture type on satisfaction of employees.

  This empirical investigation examines the impact of organizational culture types on job satisfaction in a survey of marketing professionals in a cross-section of firms in the USA. Cameron and Freeman's (1991) model of organizational cultures comprising of clan, adhocracy, hierarchy, and market was utilized as the conceptual framework for analysis. The results indicate that job satisfaction levels varied across corporate cultural typology. Within the study conceptual framework, job satisfaction invoked an alignment of cultures on the vertical axis that represents a continuum of organic processes (with an emphasis on flexibility and spontaneity) to mechanistic processes (which emphasize control, stability, and order). Job satisfaction was positively related to clan and adhocracy cultures, and negatively related to market and hierarchy cultures.

  We are using the same study as a benchmark and replicating the same research project in context of Pakistan (specifically Lahore). We used same Cameron and Freeman's model of organizational culture. The four types of cultures identified by that model are Clan culture, Hierarchy culture, Adhocracy culture and Market culture. Every culture has its own unique attributes and characteristics which are explained later in this project. And how the level of contentment of employees varies in each type of culture is also the part of this study.

  Figure I.I Overview of the Relationship

  Overview of the Relationship

  Market Culture

  Hierarchy Culture

  Adhocracy Culture

  Clan Culture

  Job Satisfaction

  1.2 Background

  1.2.1 Organizational Culture

  The Concept of the organizational culture gained recognition in the early 1980s when prominent business periodicals featured articles on Corporate Culture and Organization (Lewis, 1996: Sheridan, 1992. Peters and Waterman (1985) article, in the search of the Excellence was the one of driving force behind the proliferation of this concept. Organizational Culture is extremely broad and inclusive in scope. It comprises a complex, interrelated, comprehensive and ambiguous set of factors (Quinn &; Cameron 1999).

  According to Schein 1999, culture is the property of a group that is formed when the group develops enough common experience. He stated that culture is very important phenomenon because it is an unconscious set of forces, Determining both individual and collective behaviors, Values, thought patterns, and way of perceiving.

  At the organizational level, Schein (1999) stated that organizational culture is very critical because cultural elements determine strategy, goals, and modes of operating. He postulated that for organizations to become more efficient and effective, the role that culture plays in organizational life must be fully understood because decisions made without awareness of the operative cultural forces may have anticipated and undesirable consequences.

  Hatch and Schultz (1997) promulgated that organizational culture develops at all hierarchical levels, is founded on a broad-based history, and involves all organizational members. They perceived organizational culture as a symbolic context within which interpretation of organizational identity is formed and intentions to influence organizational image are formulated. The culture, they stated, should be considered in explanation of the development and maintenance of organizational identity.

  Actually Organizational Culture one of the few areas, in fact, in which organizational scholars led practicing managers in identifying a crucial factor affecting organizational performance. In most instances, practice has led research, and scholars have focused mainly on documenting, explaining, and building models of organizational phenomena that were already being tried by management (e.g., TQM, downsizing, reengineering, and information technology). Organizational culture, however, has been an area in which conceptual work and scholarship have provided guidance for managers as they have searched for ways to improve their organizations' effectiveness.

  The reason organizational culture was ignored as an important factor in accounting for organizational performance is that it refers to the taken-for-granted values, underlying assumptions, expectations, and definitions present in an organization. It represents 'how things are around here.' It reflects the prevailing ideology that people carry inside their heads. It conveys a sense of identity to employees, provides unwritten and, often, unspoken guidelines for how to get along in the organization, and enhances the stability of the social system that they experience. Unfortunately, people are unaware of their culture until it is challenged, until they experience a new culture, or until it is made overt and explicit through, for example, a framework or model. This is why culture was ignored for so long by managers and scholars. It is simply undetectable most of the time.

  1.2.2 Job Satisfaction

  Job satisfaction has received significant attention in the studies of work place. This is due to general recognition that this variable can be major determinant of organizational performance and effectiveness. Some studies have reported strong correlations of the job satisfaction and organizational commitment (Behnkoff 1997). When the employees are dissatisfied at work, they less committed and will look for other opportunities to quit. If the opportunities are unavailable, they may emotionally or mentally withdraw from the organization. Thus the job
