征稿函 《急症医学期刊》 ISSN:2251-3590 《急症医学期刊》衷心邀请来自世界各地的学者们投稿,来稿会进行同行评审。本刊属开放获取刊,可以即时查看或访问研究结果,同时允许免费使用学者的研究成果。本刊致力于出版实践、教育性进步和急症医学调研相关的
非官网,仅供参考征稿函 《急症医学期刊》 ISSN:2251-3590 《急症医学期刊》衷心邀请来自世界各地的学者们投稿,来稿会进行同行评审。本刊属开放获取刊,可以即时查看或访问研究结果,同时允许免费使用学者的研究成果。本刊致力于出版实践、教育性进步和急症医学调研相关的
非官网,仅供参考征稿函 《急症医学期刊》
手术(内分泌、结直肠、血管、Uro ENT,神经,胃肠道,小儿外科、眼科整形);急性损伤;临床与实验手术;心脏病学评论;心肺复苏术;临床调查和外科学教育;微创手术;急诊药理学的临床实验室;危重症医学特别护理;外科肿瘤学;灾害管理和急救;诊断技术和紧急治疗;健康政策和伦理;产科;农村手术;伤害和疾病预防;重症监护以及国际急症医学;院前护理和院外紧急医疗服务;运动医学;医学毒理学;突发疾病和创伤学;急症医学视觉诊断;警告标志(中风、老年痴呆症、心脏病等);伤口护理技术
l 即时审稿和最短时间内出版
l 提交的文章由全球著名审稿人进行同行评议
l 作者拥有版权
l 研究结果通用存取和可见
l 在所有主要索引和摘录服务中一个清晰的索引路线
Call for Papers (Vol. 1, No. 1): Advanced Emergency Medicine
World Construction and the Editor-in-chief invite all authors to submit their manuscripts to our newly launched journal, World Construction(WC), for peer review.
Advanced Emergency Medicine [bimonthly],is a open access publication focused on publishing quality academic papers on the latest and most comprehensive developments in the practice, educational advancements, and investigation of emergency medicine. We provide a communication and information exchange platform for a broad audience of researchers and professionals working in the field. We would like to invite you to submit your manuscript to Advanced Emergency Medicine for peer-review.
Some relevant topics for Advanced Emergency Medicine include but are not limited to:
Surgery (Endocrine, Colorectal, Vascular, Neuro, GI, Pediatric Surgery;Ophthalmological Orthopedic, etc);Acute injury;Clinical and Experimental Surgery;Cardiology Commentary;Cardiopulmonary resuscitation;Clinical Investigations and Surgical Education;Minimal Invasive Surgery;Clinical Laboratory in Emergency Pharmacology;Critical care medicine-Intensive care;Surgical Oncology;Disaster management and First aid;Diagnostic techniques and Emergency therapeutic;Healthy policy and ethics;Obstetrics;Rural Surgery;Injury and disease prevention;Intensive care and International emergency medicine;Pre-hospital care and Out-of-hospital emergency medical service;Sports Medicine;Medical toxicology;Sudden illness and Traumatology;Visual Diagnosis in Emergency Medicine;Warning signs (stroke, Alzheimer’s, heart attack, etc);Wound Care Techniques
The journal is well-defined in rendering support to authors.
●Immediate processing and publication in minimum time
●Submitted articles are peer-reviewed by a global list of prestigious reviewers
●Authors maintain the copyright to published articles
●Universal access and visibility of research results
●A clear indexing road map in all major indexing and abstracting services
All manuscripts will go through a rigorous peer-review process by two highly qualified and experienced reviewers from our Editorial Board or an external expert panel. The final decision on manuscripts selected for publication will be made by the Editor-in-Chief.
Advanced Emergency Medicine offer you the best choice if you wish to disseminate your research as an open access article. We look forward to a positive feedback from you. Kindly contact us if you have any further inquiries.