本文摘要:本 EI英文期刊论文 主要内容是讨论性能测量在世界各地被广发运用的主要原因和具体方法的介绍。《 电子科学技术与应用 》(ISSN刊号:2251-2608)衷心邀请来自世界各地的学者们投稿,来稿会进行同行评审。本刊属开放获取刊,可以即时查看或访问研究结果,同时允
Title: Discuss the contention that as performance measurement has become increasingly linked to resource utilisation in many parts of the world and is increasingly used to hold departments to account for their performance that line item budgeting focuses too much on the process of delivery and that it should be replaced by a PPBS system focussing on the output. In your discussion consider why, given that the UK has been at the forefront of NPM reforms for over 20 years why line item budgeting is still a major method of budgeting used in the UK public sector.
Line-item budgeting has been used for many years and provides simple, but limited information beyond the cost of specific categories of expenditures or appropriations in order to ensure accuracy and control. On the other hand, a planning, programming and budgeting system (PPBS) is a prime example of a reasonable approach to budgeting which ought to be a crucial part of decision making and resource allocation. Nonetheless, line-item budgeting, despite its critique, is still the major method of budgeting used in the UK public sector. This essay will examine why line-item budgeting is still being used as the main source of budgeting and why PPBS’s are underused even though they are potentially extremely beneficial.
New Public Management (NPM) techniques have largely increased over the years, which have resulted in the need for the public sector to manage their products more efficiently and effectively. The use of NPM methods has proven to be beneficial in some cases, such as: “cost savings in road maintenance” (Larbi 1999), and as demonstrated by Ward (2007), cases such as public library management have also proven to be beneficial: “the outcomes of NPM included accountability, cost savings, and citizen’s use/satisfaction.” Other bodies which come under the NPM also include “prisons, mental health, social care, young persons, military and immigration detention centres” (Murray, Evans, Steinerte and De Wolf 2008) to name a few. The fact that cost savings are the main focus on NPM techniques illustrates how budgeting is crucial for public management and thus it is important to use the correct budgeting method, namely line-item budgeting or PPBS.
Line-item budgeting (also known as “traditional” budgeting) has been widely used for many years to assign different amounts to each line of the budget. It has been said that line item budgeting will “reduce spending” (Holtz-Eakin 1988) and that “the major benefit is that the budget is viewed as a sum of its parts and that each part is considered separately in terms of some measure of perceived need” (Thompson, Wood and Crampton, 2008: 142). It has further been stated that “the most prevalent modern form of expenditure budgeting is line-item budgeting and it is the form par excellence of the hierarchy” (Rabin 1992:55). Arguably, line-item budgeting has been used for many years because of its mere simplicity and control orientation. This has resulted in its continued use despite the availability of newer budgeting implements.
On the other hand however, despite its popularity, line-item budgeting still possesses problems. It has been suggested by Bergmann (2008) that “traditional line-item budgets should be replaced by product budgets allocating a lump sum to each of the products and controlling the institutions through performance indicators rather than individual line-items.” Moreover, it has been argued that “it is impossible to determine what justification underlies adopted levels of expenditure and that such a method of allocating money allows secretiveness in budgets, vests power in only a few select persons, and does not encourage accountability” (Thompson, Wood and Crampton, 2008: 143). Thus, it seems that although line-item budgeting is far more commonly used than it should be, it’s use has in fact lessened and it does evidently have drawbacks. Moreover, it is obvious that this form of budgeting does not provide a sound basis for decision making.
Some argue that a planning, programming and budgeting system (PPBS) is the best method of budgeting in that it “contributes to accountability, both by its focus on programs and by its potential to use object-function codes to include productivity analysis. And that organisations are more likely to reach their stated goals and objectives” (Thompson, Wood and Crampton, 2008: 143). PPBS was developed because of the deficiencies in the traditional approach to budgeting and it was stated that “Programme budgeting is primarily a system associated with corporate management which identifies alternative policies, presents the implications of their adoption and provides for the efficient control of those policies chosen” (Jones and Pendlebury 2000: 79). It was further stated by Jones and Pendlebury (2000: 70) that “the principle features of programme budgeting are that it relates to outputs, emphasises the future and emphasises choice.” Arguably, PPBS was seen as a solution to the problems and deficiencies caused by the traditional approach to budgeting.
Nevertheless, although there was a lot of enthusiasm surrounding PPBS’s initially, by the 1970’s it has been abandoned by many organisations that had introduced it. There are however examples of PPBS remaining, yet not as many as formerly anticipated. Wildavsky (1970) submits that “the planning-programming-budgeting system has brought great damage to effective policy analysis,” and that “PPBS has failed everywhere and at all times” (Jones and Pendlebury 2000: 79). Hofstede (1981) further argues that “attempts to implement a system of PPBS would represent a fundamental error in the choice of management control models.” Possibly the finest form of budgeting system is programme budgeting and yet it appears to be discarded.
Still, it is argued that line item budgeting is about means and PPBS is about ends, yet it is questionable how accurate this view is. Jones and Pendlebury (2000: 60) say that “the way in which the annual revenue budget is prepared depends upon whether the emphasis is on the nature of the income and expenditure (line-item budgeting) or on the purpose of expenditure (PPBS).” It does appear that line-item budgeting is about the means since the emphasis is mainly on the income and altho